Thursday, September 20, 2012

Around Here....

 James and Sylvester.  The cat was choosing to sit like this ya'll.  He could have left at any second, but he is too lazy to move once he gets settled in.
 Saturday night Abbie's Sunday School class had a Picture Scavenger Hunt.  Oh wow, that was something else. Mrs. Stacey was the driver and I was the photographer.  Mrs. Stacey took it very seriously and let's just say, I don't think I have ever been so scared in a car since the night of my senior prom when my date decided to race his twin brother down Parkway East and we hit the back of Danny's car as we approached the red light (sorry Momma and Daddy, I don't think you knew about that one).  Anyways....  here the girls are asking the man who works at Dairy Queen if he really is the Dairy King.  He played along and replied, "Yes, yes he was."
 Here the girls are "stopping in the name of love."  They didn't know what that clue meant so we had to explain it to them.
 At this crosswalk they were supposed to recreate the famous Beatles album cover, but they didn't know about that either.  We didn't bother explaining it and we just told them to go look cute. 

We won by the way.  That $3 gift card to Diary Queen was totally worth the $20 in gas we spent driving around Birmingham.  We are making memories though and that is the good stuff.

 Then, Sunday after church was the American Heritage Girl Mother-Daughter Tea.  It was a lot of work for some of the moms (me included), but again, when I look at all these little faces and know that these girls are and will be growing the Kingdom it is all worth it.  And plus, look at all those cute little dresses.  Adorable!

If you would like to know more about American Heritage Girls you can see their national site here.  It is very much like a Boy Scout program for girls with an emphasis on Faith, Service, and Fun.  You can also email me if you have any questions.  My email is on my blogger profile.

James found an old battleship game and decided he was going to be an ocean explorer and save animals in trouble. (Go Diego Go! has been a favorite around here lately).  He sat at this little desk for the longest time making blimpling and bleeping noises and then he would run out and save some animals. 

I love this boy so much.  See that bit of hair in the back that won't ever stay down?  I love that little bit of hair....


  1. Lots of good stuff going on around there lately!

  2. Hi from waddlee-ah-chaa!
    That scavenger hunt looks like some serious fun.
    I loooooooved Battleship when I was a kid. Now we've introduced it to our son. Love it!

  3. I love photo scavenger hunts!! I drove for one not long ago, and I was fairly serious, too. However, I did obey all traffic laws.

    Or at least most of them.

  4. Back in the olden days, we had a tape recorder scavenger hunt in our youth group. I remember having to get a police siren, a horn honking "shave and a haircutt", a "welcome to Mc, can I take your order", and a toilet flushing.
    See, she'll remember it till she's at least 45!
