Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Notes To Self

1. Do NOT give Chick-Fil-A lemonade to your toddler right before you walk into a public library.

2. Public library walls echo very loudly when your said toddler tries to ride a stuffed sheep around the library yelling "SHEEP!, SHEEP!" very loudly.

3. Public library walls echo even more when your said toddler accidently bumps his head on a computer desk.

I love him dearly, but he was a LITTLE loud today!

1 comment:

  1. Note to self:
    Do NOT set down a jar of homemade salsa in the room where moms are picking up children lest you get caught up in the chaos and forget about it and then it's not there anymore!!!!!!! I am SO sad.
    Love the canoe pics! And the new chicken! I want a chicken!
    Love reading about your family and your days, Wendy!
    And loved seeing you today!!!!!
