Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Post For My Mom

My mom was wanting to know when I was going to post again and I can't think of anything to write about so I am stealing an idea from Jennifer at Trading Ashes for Beauty (see my blog roll, she has the cutest blog). I am to list 3 things from all these different categories. Please note that these things are just how I feel today at 6:18 pm. They could be subject to change because of hormones, sick children who have thrown up and used all the clean towels, the dishwasher breaks, or Sweet Hubby has made me mad in some way. Or just because I change my mind, mood, and emotions about every two hours. But, I am not high maintenance, am I Sweet Hubby?

3 Pet Peeves:
1. People leaving clothes on the floor instead of putting them in the hamper
2. Loud music or TV when you are trying to talk with someone
3. Unpainted toenails

3 Things on my Bucket List:
1. Adopt a child
2. Go on a trip to Alaska with Sweet Hubby
3. Write a book

3 Random Things About Me:
1. I love flip-flops (thus the painted toenails)
2. I used to be super-organized, now... not so much
3. I love to make and can homemade salsa.

3 Favorite Material Things:
1. Books
2. Hot Fudge Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream
3. Rainy Days when I can sit on the front porch and talk with my family

3 Best Memories:
1. Christmas Eve at my grandparent's house when my grandmother was alive.
2. The births of my children
3. The first year Mark and I were married. We lived in a 4 room garage apartment and had no real responsibilities. We just had lots of fun!

3 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Holding our new baby girl for the first time
2. Graduating my kids from homeschool
3. Seeing my grandmother in heaven

If you do something like this, let me know so I can come see what you wrote!


  1. yumm. . . homemade salsa. . . my Mom used to make the BEST. I've just recently been experimenting with Tomatillo Salsa and love it. There's nothing like homemade salsa. . .
    Dangit, now I'm hungry!!
    Thanks a lot.

  2. Where's my salsa?

    Most of my favorite childhood memories revolve around my grandma in heaven too. I still miss her - 27 years later.

  3. You crack me up ladybug!
    What a neat post! I may steal this from the both of ya.

    Have a great evening friend!

  4. Hey Momma cool. I stuck my response on my site.

  5. Neat post, I may steal it in the future. BTW, I can't wait to see my Grandma in heaven either. :) Have a great day!

  6. I agree about the salsa--yum! We eat about a jar a week in my household. Usually Pace medium.

    And, I miss my grandma, too. It has been over a year and a half now. I never got to tell her about the last baby, as I was newly pregnant when she passed away. She always used to tell me what a good mom I was, and I miss that.

    But, I'm never wearing sandals around you! ;)
