Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well It's Wednesday

It's been Wednesday all day long and it's been a loooong one. We started mini-school back yesterday and so far so good. Everything went very smoothly. Usually we have a few glips in the system as we get started.

Child Fuss and Child Fight have been at it for about the last two hours. It has ranged from, "He's looking at me!" to "She put her foot over in my section of the couch!" They are either going to be the most-prepared young adults for marriage or the most ill-prepared. It literally makes me tired to hear it all the time.

But, the good news on the homefront~James is sleeping today. Yesterday he stayed in the bed for two hours playing with his little toys and looking at books. I am not really complaining, because I think it is wonderful he can entertain himself for two hours and get some rest time, but at 6:30 last night it was rough. You know how they want something, but even they don't know what it is, and there is nothing you can do to make things right for them. He was so tired he was stumbling around. So, today should be better.

No news on the adoption front. We are just waiting. I am excited, but I have a quiet confidence (most of the time) in God's timing. I am trying to, as Rebekah says, "let God's timing be His perfect gift to me." I can't wait to see her and begin to learn about her and have her in our family.

Don't forget to go over to Jill's blog and enter to win her giveaway. I'm not sure how long she will keep it open, but she is giving away a gorgeous purse.

Well, enough rambling for now.


  1. All I can think about is that I hope she has poofy little hair! We can put it in 2 little ponytails on top of her head! So cute!
    Tell Fuss and Fight to get it out now before pool time - oh. sorry for you.

  2. I want her to have poofy hair too. We call them "meatballs" (don't have any idea why).

  3. I want her to have poofy cheeks. I can't wait to snuzzle? them.

  4. MamaHen, I sent you en email last week but not sure if you received it. You won the giveaway at my site

    Email me and I will have it sent out right away.
