Saturday, October 3, 2009

Love me some boys!

There is no way I could have ordered a more perfect weather day. I LOVE fall weather. It was just so pretty and wonderful. This would make great camping weather. (Can ya'll believe I just said that?"

Late this afternoon all three boys were outside playing. The back door was open and Mark and I could hear them laughing together. I went to the door to look out and the big boys were playing chase with each other and James was running around saying, "I'm coming, I'm coming." He then climbed up on our lawnmower (he calls it our tractor) and "drove" it to try to rescue the big boys. I had to get my camera. Evidently you can "drive" a lot faster if you throw your dirty little feet up in the air.


  1. Great photos! Love the new photos and the new blog design!

  2. aw too cute!!!!! I love the feet up in the air!!

  3. Such fun! Been a bit since I've read blogs and really enjoyed catching up through yours - loved those 10 things from yesterday! And so glad you had a good time on vacation....

    The photos of you and your family look great on the blog! :)

  4. Well of course you can drive faster with your feet up in the air! The pics are so cute. I need some Clark kid lovin'!

  5. Well James told me, that is how he looks everytime his mom takes off, so he thought that was the normal way to drive.

  6. Is there anything in the world better than hearing your children laughing together?

  7. That's how I drive all the time! Ha cute. I want that James around here. I bet we could have a lot of laughs. My computer is acting belly hurts, and I've been busy. Not a good combo for keeping on on blogs!


  8. They are SOOOO adorable! They look so much alike - as if they were brothers or something! ;)

  9. Very cute pics!
    I also like your new pics on the top left the blog! Nice!

