Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Ramble Here, A Ramble There

Well, I've got nothing. I have been blah this week, Hubby has been sick, and my kiddos still have an unbelievable amount of energy. That about sums it up.

~I was going to do a Friday Linky Loos and then thought, "Nah, that would involve me having to do the link thing (can you say L.A.Z.Y?)"

~I was going to prepare a shopping to list to do the once a month cooking with Money Saving Mom this weekend. Not really with her, but with a Mr. Linky. And then I got in my pjs and said, "Nah, that would involve me getting out the cookbooks and finding some paper and pens that actually work," (again with the L.A.Z.Y. thing)

~I was going to go by a craft store and get the materials to learn how to do some handwork at night. Didn't happen. And since I fall asleep around 9 in my chair every night I don't think I would get much done anyway.

~I have been trying to read Sense and Sensibility for two weeks now. I WANT to read it so bad, but I just can't concentrate on it. For some reason I think I can't watch the movie until I read the book, and then I remind myself that I am 37 years old and not in high school, but I just can't get past the right way to do it. You are SUPPOSED to read the book before you watch the movie. Someone please comment and give me permission to just watch the movie.

~The plan is for the cookbooks to be ready to sell next week. They have truly been a veeerrrrryyy long labor of love, and well labor, and I am ready to be done with it. I think they are going to be really good though. And if it gets us one step closer to Baby Clark it will all be worth it.

~There is no news on Baby Clark-we are just waiting on a birthmother to pick us. It has been pretty frustrating to say the least. I don't write much about the adoption because there just really isn't a lot to write about. We are going with a local Christian agency and are just waiting for the call. Right now we are sure that we are going in the right direction with a domestic adoption, but some days it is really hard to wait. We initially had told our agency we were wanting a baby girl, (I know it sounds terrible to want to pick the gender of your child, but as we only have three bedrooms it just made sense at the time to get a girl to share a room with Abbie. But the wait has been so long waiting on a girl specifically we have changed it to whatever God wants to give us. That's what we would get if I was expecting anyway!) Anyways, I'm ready!

~I have in mind a Valentines Mr. Linky/Meme to do next week. I'll try to have it up soon and maybe a little prize for a name drawn from among the participants.

Okay, off to claim my chair and let the dozing begin.


  1. Watch the movie, I want a cookbook, and let's get a little girl.

  2. Sorry. Can't give you permission. I'm old school. I have the movie, though, so when you're ready...

  3. For the love, watch the movie. I'll even be glad to watch it with you!

  4. I love me some Jane Austen, but that one is hard to get the movie!! Or borrow the Cliff's notes from the library, that will count as reading the book :)

  5. Watch the movie! Watch the movie! Watch the movie! (and eat some brownies with it ;-)

  6. I say, get in your comfy pj's, climb in your comfy chair and WATCH THE MOVIE! It's my absolute favorite movie! You will love it!!!

    I read the book and enjoyed the movie more.

  7. I watched Eragon because I got tired of waiting for time to read the book. But I wished I'd read the book. I'm still going to read it.

    Watch now and read later anyway. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do:)

  8. Go the movie:-) I watched this one before I read(usually I do it old school). It wont hurt you and you'll feel good snuggling up in a cozy blanket with some tea or cocoa and some sweet goodness.

  9. I love update posts!

    Yes, just watch the movie. The British Accent is much more beautiful in the spoken word than the written, don't you think?

  10. Watch the movie! If I do ever read the book, it's always AFTER I watch the movie :)
    Can't wait for the cookbook, I need some new recipes!
    I'm excited about the Valentine's Meme, you have me intrigued!

  11. I am reading this book now, too, Mama Hen. I have been reading a couple of chapters per week for about 3 weeks. It is such a different writing style, I am having a hard time getting into reading it when I fall into bed in the evenings or when I am interrupted by my little ones during the day! Somehow I am finding Beth Moore's newest book a bit more interesting right now. ;)

    Oh, and I am an old English teacher. You don't really think I will give you permission to watch the movie first, do you? I'm not! ;) You're not! ;) But when we both finish the book, I'd be glad to plan a movie day or night at one of our places if you think our hubbies would watch the kids. ;)

  12. the book is great...the movie is can't go wrong either way!

    My brain is all fuzziness as well these days, feeling a little pushed and pulled and it the age thing? I am 41 I guess that's it!

    thanks for coming by Bessie!


  13. Awww...I hope you get a little girl for your little girl's sake.

    I have four chicks, but they're all BOYS! Everyone needs some more pink in the household. (And you need someone to grow up and watch Jane Austen with you...)

    Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement!
