Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Mommy-Files

Today I did three loads of laundry.
Out of those loads I pulled 41 socks to match.
I ended up with 8 pair (16 socks) that matched.
That leaves 25 lone socks to put into my sock basket. (When the sock basket is overflowing, I dump them all out and match as many as I can. There are always some left.)
And that is just today.
Is it no wonder I think everyone should just wear flip-flops?


  1. I'm all for flip flops and no socks!

  2. PLEASE tell me where to they all go? Even now - with just the two of us..they still come out unmatched! How can that be??

  3. With 14 feet in this house (never begin a sentence with a prepostion..oh, that' the teacher me, not the laundry maid me!!!) our home would be an organizational disater without a sock basket! Check everyone's drawers, there are bound to be a few mismatches, especially if the sock folders are young!

  4. I think my dryer eats socks. Maybe yours does too :)

  5. My kids solved this by deciding they don't want to wear matching socks.

  6. I can SOOOOO relate!!!! :) I did four loads of laundry yesterday and have three to do today!!! UGHHH I need a laundry fairy! :p

  7. If they're just playing around the house, let them wear unmatched socks! You can use the others for dusting. I think it's smart to dust with a sock on your hand. It's the lazy in me, I don't even have to think about holding on to it!

  8. That's funny! I just decided this week that I'm no longer turning socks right side out before I match them.

  9. I agree...flip flops & sandals all year long!
    I grew up in a family of 6 & was the designated laundry folder, and we always had an entire laundry basket full of unmatched socks...I always wandered what in the world happened to the lost socks!

  10. just only buy white crew length socks. then there will only ever be a maximum of one unmatched socks.
    there, problem solved, you can thank me latter.

  11. We love flip-flops and bare feet! ONE day, I'm throwing all those extra socks o=u=t!!!
    Thanks for the laugh~

  12. Maybe if we all combined our sock baskets, we'd find one or two more matches?

  13. I have a sock basket too :) And I do the same thing with it. lol
