Monday, October 25, 2010

We are very sophisticated around here...

Abbie is doing a school project on France. She has to learn about the different foods, people, history, etc of France. She was looking for information on the food. She came across a big spread in the book covered in fancy pastries. She asked what a pastry was and I told her it was sort of like a little cake and it had fancy decorations on top.

She looked at me and said,

"Oh, like a Little Debbie cake?"

Yes, indeed, high sophistication around here.

I have to say though, Little Debbie cakes are pretty good...


  1. Sis - I forgot to put your check in the mail today for boy scout popcorn and AHG whatever it was I ordered. I'll do it tomorrow - unless senility reigns again.

  2. LOL! When we studies France the boys asked me (since we always make a food from the place we are studying), "Great! Will we make french fries and french toast?" I should have done it. That would have been so much easier than pastries. :) Lisa~

  3. I'm sorry, but I just can't condone a post that has to do with Little Debbie cakes being good...

  4. Now that is my kind of fancy french dessert any day:)

  5. Dear Fancy Nancy,
    How about French Fried Little Debbie Cakes? That's true style and culture rght there! ;)

    Pasty Pastries in NE

  6. Any "food" that sells for .99 for a whole box has got to be nothing but chemicals -- but I love those little suckers!

    P.S. We are just as sophisticated. (did I even spell that right?)

  7. That's my kind of fancy too! HELLOOOO, did you not tell Abbie that I took 2 years of French in high school??? I'm sure I would be a wealth of knowledge!

  8. LOL!! The French would be SO offended... it'd be awesome!

  9. Well, it may not be sophisticated, but sometimes with those unit studies--it pays to take some short cuts! That is, if you have more than 2 kids and want to sleep more than 5 hours a night! You might let her know what real fancy French pastries look like too, though. ;)

  10. Thank you for making me want a swiss cake roll. Thank you very much. :)

  11. Hilarious! Little Debbie's might not be high class or healthy, but they sure are good! And those Swiss Rolls are the best when you unroll them to make them last longer! ;0)

  12. Too funny! We love Little Debbie Cakes too!
