Thursday, February 17, 2011

Drama King

Well, James has been in rare form today. This afternoon we did errands. We were gone a long time and had a lot of stops. James, while good overall, had his moments.

We had to leave GameStop were James had been "playing" the games while Matt hee-hawed back and forth about what he should get. He has his own money so I was trying to stay out of it and let him make up his mind.

Well, when it was time to leave James decided he wanted to stay and continue to play the video game. He did the whole temper-tantrum-sit-on-the-ground-and cross-your-arms thing while loudly proclaiming his displeasure. Ladies, please tell me your child does this sometimes also?

I jerked his arm up and toted him out to the car. When he got in the van and I got him strapped down he started yelling, "Oh, it hurts, it hurts so much..." I went into panic mode thinking I had dislocated his shoulder or something. I was asking frantically, "What, what hurts?"

He replied, in his most fake pitiful voice he could come up with,

"My heart. My heart just hurts so much."

(Insert extreme sarcasm here) "Bless his little bitty heart."


  1. Poor guy!

    No, my kids are always angels, especially in public (insert snicker here):P

  2. LOL! Kids definitely have a way, don't they?

  3. Quit hurting his precious heart! I just don't understand Wendy. My kids are perfect and behave like angels all the time. Oh wait - I don't have any.

  4. ha ha ha ha ha

    Poor guy, yes my kids do that sometimes. Especially Princess.

  5. I remember a time when my husband had to take our son out of church service because he wouldn't behave. He turned around and yelled over his daddy's shoulder, "Save me!" quite pitifully. He was 3, how do you punish a child when they make you laugh so hard?! Take heart, you are not alone.

  6. Oh, yes. Been there, done that. Some day your children will rise up and bless you. Or so I like to think, anyway! ;)

    Hope you have a better rest of the week. I'll bet his heart has already mended, hasn't it? :)

  7. I have to agree with the other comments - my kids were always perfect angels!!:) He is so stinkin' cute!

  8. Sounds like everytime I ever take mine in public. ;)

  9. Tee Hee... they really know how to turn something around, don't they??
