Friday, June 6, 2014


I made it through the first week without Tyler.
Abbie and I made it through Vacation Bible School, and we all know there is no tired like VBS tired.
I made it through the end of the American Heritage Girl year, where I had three very big events in three weeks.  Remind me not to do that ever again.
I made it through four hours at the doctor's office for camp checkups and immunizations. 
I made it through the end of the school year and now only have 11 more years to go, not that I'm counting or anything :).  


I nap. 

Oh, I wish.

Going to pick up Tyler in a little while.  I am going to get home, sit him on the couch and then stare at him for about an hour.  Then I will send him out in the yard to cut grass because hello, its summer.  And I will proceed to wash clothes like a mad woman to get him ready to leave again. 

Remember when you were seven and summers involved riding your bike all day, playing Monopoly, playing in the sprinkler, and only going inside to get another popsicle?  I like that seven year old version of summer, the 41 year old version is kicking me in the rump.

 Mom, can I move back in, just for the summer????


  1. You can move in with me!!!! I'm glad you get to see your boy. I've been thinking about him this week. You need a nap!

  2. You are doing great, Friend! You will make it through this summer!

  3. Ha ha, you should try the 47 year old version. And why is it hot already at 8am? Oh==maybe it's just me.
