Friday, August 14, 2009

A Camping We Will Go

Yes ladies, you read correctly. As of 5:00 pm today I will be officially camping with my family. In AUGUST. If you see an old wilted hen laying around in your yard today please think of me and offer a prayer. You see, Mark does camping. I have not been camping in 15 years and I have been okay with that. Mark has handled all our children's camping needs all these years and I have been content to stay home and "watch" whatever baby we had at the moment. If you have read for any amount of time you know I don't do summer well. I am a spring and fall gal. I get all nauseous and gross and I do not like to be sweaty. Rebekah, do you remember the time we took the kids to the zoo and I spent the day in the zoo bathroom throwing up because I got too hot? Its real for me friends. Don't get me wrong, I do get out in the heat, we have a big garden after all, and work has to be done, but at 2:00 pm in the August afternoon, you will find me INSIDE. But, this year I have decided to suck it up and go and have fun if it kills me.

I have checked the weather and even though it will be hot the humidity will be down some so that is encouraging. Mark is pretty much doing everything this trip (mainly because I don't know how to do anything camping-wise) so I don't even have to cook. All I have to do is go and have fun. We are going to our favorite state park and I am very familiar with it and it really is a great place to be. The kids are going to have a blast and I have heard nothing else but camping all this week. They are so excited I am going with them. This will be James' first camping trip and he is excited about sleeping in a tent with Momma.

So, all you fun people, any advice for me on camping and staying cool. Kathy and MamaHen Em, I know ya'll do the camping thing. Help?
Don't forget to go here and tell me where you went on your honeymoon and if you called your dad. I'll be drawing a name at random one day next week for some goodies.
Just for fun reading, go here, and read what Jon has written about kissing at summer camp. Clark children-I do not condone kissing at all until your wedding day! Listen to your Momma. But, for the rest of us who might not have known about this rule growing up, you might enjoy this.
If I am not back to posting next week you can just assume that I melted this weekend. But, I'm going to be having fun doing it! :)


  1. I still can't believe you're doing this when it is SO HOT!!! Good luck. Just keep the keys to the van with you and remember, you CAN get in it and go home anytime you want to! Or, just make yourself throw up and head on home. Or pretend your "Aunt Flo" came for a vist. Seriously, there's all kinds of ways out of things...

  2. Oh you will have so much fun ! Now, granted we do go camping in the cool mountains when it is so hot. But, they make little tent fans and I would highly recommend them. Otherwise, camping is such a good family bonding experience. You eat together ( and dad cooks !!!), you play together and all sleep in a big tent. The kids will remember this experience when they get older. I generally really rough it when we go camping. No makeup, no flip flops ( ugh !!), gotta wear tennis shoes if your hiking. Don't forget about making s'mores,take lots of pics, and bug spray. Oh, a hammock is fun to bring if you have one. Can't wait to hear how it goes !

  3. Betta you than me! ;)

    Hope ya'll have fun!

  4. Oh sister, I will be sitting in my air conditioned home praying for you this weekend. I have never camped, have no desire to camp and do not even wonder what the thrill about it is.

    I hope you have fun!! Please tell me there will be flush toilets and hot showers??!!

  5. Lisa, there are flush toilets and showers. I'm not so sure I will be wanting a hot one though!

  6. Take a chair to sit in the water and drink plenty of water and juice. That's probably why you puked - you were dehydrated, not just hot.

  7. Better you than me. My idea of camping is in a motor home with air conditioning and a toilet. WATCH OUT FOR BEARS!!!! and SNAKES!!! (I guess that isn't making things better is it?) Can't wait to hear the stories you will have to tell. HAVE FUN!!

  8. I'm not a camping gal either, but I hope you enjoy the time with your kids and I hope y'all don't melt!

  9. Have fun!!!! I am so not looking forward to the hot weather when it comes.... thankfully I have a few months of cool still :)

  10. Oh I love camping! I hope you have a great time. I'll be thinking of you. I'm heading to Missouri tomorrow! Heading south in August is as silly as camping in August. I get sick in the heat too. Blech.

    Hope you HAD a great time, as I guess you'll be back before you read this!

  11. Oh, have fun this weekend--humid or not!

    You know, AHG won't be camping until October. It will be so much more pleasant then!

    Also, don't let the littlest ones play in the fire ant bed, either! Remember, my second youngest did that last year at the AHG campout!

  12. I do hope you have a great time - but, have to glad it is you and not me! Camping - totally too much nature for me!

  13. I LOVE camping! But . . . we haven't done it in years because we hate all of the preparation, packing, unpacking, work, cleaning, repacking, and unpacking.

    Hmm.. I guess I loved camping as a kid with no responsibilities. But we always did it in the Fall, so I feel for ya...
