Thursday, June 10, 2010

Around Our Little House

James watching at the kitchen window for Aunt Jill to arrive.
Today was the last day of our VBS. It went very well and Abbie had the time of her life. Matt endured it. That pretty much sums it up. James was only happy about going to "Fun Church" as he called it, the first day. It went downhill from there with him and the nursery.

Last night I got to go see Mark and Tyler at Scout camp. They have been gone since Sunday and it is time for them to come home. I really like have Pappa Rooster and all of my four chicks close to home. Tyler is having a good time though and I am glad he gets to go.

We have been holding the fort down here at the house and so far so good.

Earlier this week our pasture was cut for hay. We enjoy watching this every year. James especially loves the big tractor.

My Sweet In-Laws

Blackberries anyone?

Or blueberries?

Sweet Kisses from Sweet Children

Oh, and didn't mention-yesterday on the way to VBS the van started making strange noises. I pulled into a mechanic place and was told I needed new brakes pad things and new rotors. Fun. And even more; I got to spend 2 1/2 hours with James in the little waiting room. We did walk the 5 miles to the Target across the road (well, not five miles, but it seemed like it) and walked around there for awhile. But, I could only stand so much of a certain young person's begging and trying to rationalize why she needed everything in Target so I had to leave. James was excellent the first hour and after that he had had enough. Can't say I blamed him. It's a good thing I had just read this the night before. But alls well that ends well and I am just so glad we did not end up on the side of the road on a hot Alabama June day with Mark being out of town.


  1. Blackberries anyone??? Yes, ME!! Can you get those to Virginia? I would eat until it wasn't pretty:) BTW - are those in your yard?? That would be my undoing, I'm sure!

  2. Jennifer-yes, those are in the yard. They are not quite ready to pick, but as soon as they are I making Mark a blackberry cobbler! He planted the bushes last year and we had no idea they would do so well as to have berries the second year!

  3. Ummm, yes, I'll take my blackberry cobbler for my birthday too!

    Hope everyone gets home safe and sound soon! Sorry about being stranded for 5 hours. That stinks!

  4. Oh Jill, thankfully it was only about 2 1/2 hours. Five? I would have cried.

  5. 2 1/2 hours in a waiting room with a 3 year old sounds torturous!
    Seeing those blueberries makes me crave some of my mom's blueberry pie!
