Friday, May 20, 2011

Rambles and Friday Link-A-Loos....

It's Friday! And this is an even-better Friday cause my Sweet Hubby is on vacation next week! Who-hoo!

~Well, I am on my way to becoming a lady of leisure. Last night my Abbie cooked our dinner from start to finish. And it was delicious. She fixed the Duggar's TaterTot Casserole, english peas, and crescent rolls. I did give her some input on when to put things on to cook so that everything would be ready at approximately the same time, but she did it all. Well, she got her daddy to take the rolls out of the oven because she is still a little afraid of the hot oven. I jokingly asked her if she wanted to take over dinner duties from now on and she promptly said, "no!" She likes cooking, but I don't think she is ready to do it EVERY night.

~Our garden is growing like weeds... (Bahhhhhaaaa). I know, Mark says its a good thing I crack myself up.... The blackberries are getting darker! I love blackberries. We have some strawberries coming in, but something is getting to them before we can. We have lots of blueberries too. I am not a big fan of blueberries, but my family loves them, and I can't wait to make Mark a blueberry cobbler. If the garden and fruit keep up the good work this summer I am going to be super-busy.

~Yesterday we were running errands and I thought I was going to have the chance to use the tv line, but the lady ended up complimenting me on how well-behaved my children were and how adorable and blah, blah, blah... I meekly said "Thank You" and went on my way.

~Our state is still in deep recovery mode from the tornadoes. I want to personally thank Rachel for all she is doing to help. She has two little ones and is staying busy delivering supplies to those who really really need it.

~I saw this video this morning and will admit I teared up a little. I bet you will too.


  1. LOVED it when I had teens at home to cook supper! The littles are learning though=), learning how to make a big mess mostly.

  2. I still have trouble getting everything ready for the meal at the same time!

    I received the cookbook :) I read cookbooks cover to cover also- if you don't you might miss a gem of a story or life lesson!!!

  3. Hey girlie~cue, just stopping by for a visit...had fun...

  4. Adorable?? Well behaved?? Are you sure you had YOUR kids with you??
    Haahahahahahaa!! Just kidding.
    I think it's so funny when I have my snappy come back all ready and all I get to say is "thank you"! What a humbler!

  5. That's awesome about Abbie! Cooking was always my "job" as a kid, and I loved it!

    And thanks for the shout-out! :)
