Thursday, January 26, 2012

{pretty, funny, happy, real}

Funny~Little boys who take care of pretend racoons.

Real~ Schooltime and playtime-both very important for growing little boys.

Pretty-Abbie lined up all the nail polishes getting ready for flip-flop weather!

Happy~ Little boys building a zoo with their Lincoln Logs and a sweet puppy watching.

Today I am linking up at Like Mother, Like Daughter to remember the {pretty, funny, happy, real} in my life this week.


  1. Sweet pictures of a sweet boy!

  2. Love your pictures!! I didn't even notice the puppy until I read your caption. :) I've got to buy more nail polish for Mary Grace and me before warm weather gets here. I haven't painted my toenails in a loooooong time! (I don't even try to paint my fingernails. I wash my hands too much for it to stay pretty. I always keep my toenails painted, though. I'm just weird like that!)

  3. "flip flop weather"?! oh - to be in the South!


  4. Bethany, it will be awhile before it is full-time flip-flop weather, but we have been having some very spring-like days interspersed between the flooding rain and the tornadoes. Very strange weather for January here.
