Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bringing Food From Afar....

Yesterday I got to be a small portion of the Proverbs 31 woman as I brought some food from afar-well, from the four local grocery stores around me anyway.

My pantry, freezer, and fridge were Empty with a capital E, and we spent about four hours yesterday restocking. 

Abbie, James, and I hit four stores yesterday.  As we were loading up the groceries at ALDI Abbie said, "This should last us about two months."  I wish. 

Two weeks is more like it.

Almost all of our veggies from our garden have been eaten up and it was strange to be buying them in the store.  I will be so excited when our fruit trees are really providing fruit for us on a regular basis-that will be one more thing we can skip at the store also. 

James got himself wedged in the bottom of the shopping cart at ALDI and I got to get into a very unflattering position to wiggle him out.  I kept thinking, "If he got wedged in here then we should be able to wiggle him out."  Makes sense, right? 

Well, James was "this far" from panic mode and he was not making it easy.  It was not a pretty site, but I'm sure it was an entertaining one for the other shoppers.

In between stores we listened to Nicole C. Mullins, "When I Call On Jesus" and the highlight of the day was hearing Abbie and James singing loudly in the backseat.  I love these two together.  Even with their age difference they are such good buddies.  They sometimes bicker back and forth and then they are right back together playing.  Abbie is so good with him and James is in prime training time for how a young man should act towards a lady.  And its training all right.  James has a temper and has no problem showing it.  He is learning that under no circumstances can he yell or scream or hit his sister.  He is learning he is a protector and a defender, not a provoker.  Some days the training is hard, but I know it will be worth it in the end.

After the shopping came the unloading and the putting away.  The deal at our house is, "If you don't do the actual shopping then you have to do the unloading."  So the big boys unloaded and then I put it all up.  I need at least one more child to be the putter-upper.  A very organized child preferably.

So, that was my day-grocery shopping, schooling, and laundrying.  And it was a good one.  I love this family.


  1. Can I hire you to do my shopping and cook our food???

  2. Your veggies lasted a long time! That's wonderful news! It sounds like a typical Mama Hen day. Bless your heart, dear, you are one busy mama!
    Great work, too, with the training of James to be a man. I'm sure it will be here sooner than we can imagine. (as your big boys are living proof)
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Sounds like a good and productive day in all aspects!!

  4. So that verse doesn't mean I have to cook all our meals on "a-far?" ;)

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